Radical moderation, anti-polarization and living in four dimensions
I give public talks, podcast interviews, and media appearances to help students, community groups, non-profits, and others rediscover our shared four-dimensional space. I aim to uncover the complexity and tradeoffs involved in social and political issues, leaving audiences with a framework for thinking about their own biases and beliefs.
Life in Four Dimensions
Escaping binary thinking and employing radical moderation in our lives, our relationships, and our politics.
Universities as Neutral Cartographers
Exploring when and how universities go wrong. The goal of university research and education is not to achieve some kind of pre-defined outcome but instead to create accurate maps of our shared landscapes so we can all make better decisions - together.
Family, Moderation, and Civil Society
How the family, as an institution, challenges ideological views of the world and moves us back to the moderate middle.
What Elites Owe the Rest of Us
The dangers of binary thinking and how the media, universities, and political figures inadvertently or intentionally trigger binary and zero sum thinking. I end with a list of duties elites have and provide some resources and hopeful signs from people on the ground that we’re moving in the right direction.
Featured interview:
Radical Moderation on The Great Antidote
Download speaker one sheet:
“It's really messy, it's chaotic, but it's also really beautiful.”
— Lauren K. Hall, interviewed by Juliette Sellgren
Other Talks and Speaking
on Medicalization and Healthcare Regulations/Reform
Does the Medicalization of Birth Harm Mothers?
Institute for Humane Studies
Medicalization of Birth & Death
Free Thoughts Podcast